SECPA General Assembly Pre-Session Summit Called

169979447_conference-roomDear Pastors:

Hello saints, the Executive Officers of the SECPA met on April 3, 2016 at 8:00pm via tele-conference and voted to call an Association general assembly meeting on May 15, 2016 at the Filipino American International SDA Church in Avon Park. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss issues and concerns related to SEC Constituency Sessions which is further discussed by our SECPA President in the attached letter. The minutes of SECPA Executive Officers meeting will be posted on the SECPA Resources page.

May God richly bless us all as we work hand in hand in preparing our people to meet the Lord.

In His Service,
Roldan Mendoza, SECPA Secretary

Passing of Pastor Sherwin Callwood's Brother

Info on the passing of Sherwin Callwood’s brother.